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Mariners Weather Log

ISSN 0025-3367

U.S. Department of Commerce

Dr. Jane Lubchenco
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere

National Weather Service
Dr. John "Jack" L. Hayes
NOAA Assistant Administrator for Weather Services

Editorial Supervisor
John L. Wasserman

Layout and Design
NDBC Technical Publications Office
Leigh Ellis


Articles, photographs, and letters should be sent to:

Mr. John L. Wasserman, Editorial Supervisor
Mariners Weather Log
Building 3203
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000

Phone: (228) 688-1818
Fax: (228) 688-3923

From the Editor

John Wasserman

Greetings shipmates and friends. Thank you once again for picking up this issue of the Mariners Weather Log! Well it’s been a busy year for us here in the US VOS program. We have been going through many changes that I would like to share with our readers.

For starters, this publication has gone through many changes in the last 2 years. We have changed the layout, layout procedures, the printing, the distribution procedures and just about everything associated with the MWL. There has been some “choppy water” along the way and we are working to get them all settled. We encourage all readers to use the web-based MWL if at all possible. It can be found at: With that said, I would like to ask all out readers, that if they are reading the webzine version of the MWL and no longer require a printed copy, please drop us line at On a similar note, if you have a change of address, please let us know as well.

We have also brought online a new web-based database MVOS (for US PMOs) which soon after became IVOS (for both US and International PMOs) which is simply a tool for Port Meteorological Officers to document ship visits and other important meta data about ships. We welcome any feedback from folks using IVOS.

There are also future changes coming. A re-write of the Handbook No. 1 is currently at the printer so look for it soon through your local PMO. We are also looking at digitizing many more of the publications used and distributed in VOS, bringing new equipment onboard, new awards programs, and much, much more. It has been said that “With change comes opportunity.” I believe this to be true but there have been and will be bumps along the road ahead. Please bear with us as we make these changes. Again, I invite anyone out there with comments, criticisms, suggestions, concerns to email us at!

Well that’s about enough of my ramblings and musings. Please enjoy this issue of the Mariners Weather Log.


On the cover:
Discoverer Clear Leader photo courtesy of Transocean Ltd.

Some Important Web Page Addresses

National Weather Service
National Data Buoy Center
AMVER Program
VOS Program
SEAS Program
Mariners Weather Log
Marine Dissemination
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center